Sunday 11 December 2011

Oops...I did it again

Ooooops. Sorry guys. I promised I wouldn't do this again. But I did. Without Mick here to motivate me to blog I always seem to forget. And usually my internet is so bad it is physically painful for me to upload photos. But right now I am in Chang Mai and not only is it a beautiful city, but it has lightening fast wifi. So here is a quick update.

About a week ago I decided to meet up with Matt and Michele and head to the beach for the weekend. This time we headed to Koh Samet, a little island that's only about 4 hours and a ferry ride away from Bangkok. It consisted of a bunch of little beaches that are only accessible by dodgy dirt roads. It was fun. When we got to our Bungalow we discovered it was on our own private beach which was a pleasant surprise. A group of Chinese teachers from Matt and Michele's school came with us for the weekend and even though only one of them spoke English, they were all hilarious. It was a really fun weekend on a beautiful island.

Unfortunately, me jetting off for the weekend marked the splitting up of the dynamic duo. I left Tanita behind in the city to look for apartments with Dominic. When I got back to the city she had found one and moved in so I was on my own. I was planning to meet up with Kyle and head to Chang Mai in a few days so I was okay to hang by myself for a few days. But I ended up running into my friend from South Africa Adriaan at the hotel I was staying at...9 million people in Bangkok and I run into my friend...crazy I know. He had also just returned from Bangkok to Laos, bringing with him two new English friends. They were awesome. I don't know what it is about people with accents...but it just seems like they are all hilarious. So far my favourite thing about travelling has been meeting new people and hearing the stories they tell. And these guys had some pretty amazing stories. Anyways, we found Kyle, then the five of us went for a little stroll through China town. Yes. I know. There is a Chinatown in Thailand. You are probably thinking the same thing as I was....why don't you just get on a bus and go to real China? But. Here are some photos from last week!

 Booboo (not her real name, we just dont know how to say her chinese name) brought very appropriate beach shoes....

He is lighting a cigarette...

Oh yeah, when I got home it was the King's birthday, which is apparently a big deal in Thailand. There was a huge party and stuff. It was neat.

Welcome to China town!

It's hard to see if you don't know what you are looking for, but that eating another prawn. He has already eaten its tail and is starting in on it's head. The things you see in China town...

Fun day guys. Let's all cram into a cab home.

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