Thursday 15 December 2011

What's cooler than zip lining through the jungle? Nothing. There is nothing cooler. In  case you didn't catch I spent the day zip lining through the jungle. Yesterday I was looking for something fun to do and I saw an add for something called Jungle Flight and I thought to myself, 'you like jungles, that sounds like fun' and signed up. I didn't really take time to think about it and in my excitement I seemed to overlook a pretty signifigant detail. I'm not the biggest fan of heights. Not sure why but this didn't even occur to me until I was all harnessed up and standing on the first platform looking at the ground 20 feet below me. I instantly felt sick and mentally kicked myself in the head for signing up for the package that included 34 platforms. I didn't have much time to think about the knot in my chest though because the guide grabbed me, said 'ladies first!' and told me to go. So I went. BEST THING EVER. I know. Absolutes. But I think this might have been cooler than the snorkelling. Well. Tied. I made it safely to the next platform and since I was in once piece and I had managed to not pee my pants, I realized there was nothing to be afraid of and couldn't wait for the next platform. Only 33 more to go. Here are a few of the 90000 pictures I took. Not actually. That was just a guestimate. 

What's that? You're going too fast towards that tree? Here, use this piece of bamboo to slow yourself down

It seems like in Thailand there's always a happy ending....

Not sure why, but they insisted I pose with their walkie talkie...

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