Thursday 17 November 2011

Remember me??

It's okay. Totally understandable if you don't. It has been awhile. You know when you miss 3 days of going to the gym and then it's sooo hard to get back into it then you end up not going for two weeks? Or you put your book down for a day or two and you never end up finishing it? Same time of thing has been happening with blogging. That would be totally okay if I was just mad chilling at home and not doing anything interesting to blog about...not sure why I would have a blog if that was the case though...anyways, I have done tons of cool stuff since the last time I blogged so it's a lot of effort to sit down and catch up. Rambling doesn't help. So I guess I'll show you some pictures. And explain them. That is typically how this blog works. ALRIGHT LETS GET TO IT OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHH.

I believe when we last left our Heroines/Hero, they had returned from Myanmar with fresh 15 day tourist visa's, tan's, and their hearts set on a new location. Phi phi islands was the next stop on their adventure, and to date, the most beautiful. Let's see what kind of shinanigans they got in to.

A quick boat ride over to the island. And by quick I mean 3 hours in the blazing sun with no shade resulting in a super cute shorts and tank top tan.

When we were awake the view wasn't too shabby...

But as we all know, if I am on a vehicle, and it is moving, I will fall asleep. This time I took Tanita down with me. Not as comfortable as it looks.

 Mick, being the good friend that he is, made sure we were awake to see the cool islands...he might have been a tiny bit less hungover than the two of us.

We arrived! This doesn't do justice to how blue the water was when we rolled up, but wait for it, I'll get there..

Phi Phi was super cool because it was so laid back. Such a nice change from Bangkok, nobody asked me if I wanted a Tuk-Tuk or a suit...I didn't know what to do with myself. Here there are no cars, no shoes, shops open at 10, and grabbing a bucket with breakfast is totally normal. So basically it was heaven.

 Everywhere in Phi Phi is ten steps away from the beach so we could pop over there at any time...and seeing as there isn't much else to do on a tiny island, my homeboys and I was hittin dat up errryday. (Tanita and Mick)

The whole bay is a sand bar and you can pretty much walk out to that point without actually having to swim. I think it was shortly after this photo was taken that I had my first ever suicidal thought. I seriously considered just walking and walking and drowning myself because there was no way my life was ever going to get better than in that moment. I didn't do it obviously. That would have been inconvenient for Tanita and Mick because then they would have an empty bed in their room.


Oh hey there. Wanna be best friends?

Oh. I wish I had seen this side of you before I suggested that. Oh well. Guess I'm stuck with you now.

The most popular form of transportation here. I think I got asked if I wanted a taxi boat only 3 times, I said "no thank you" and they were like "okay that's chill" then left me alone for the rest of the time. Take a lesson Bangkok.

When we weren't on the beach we were kicking it at our cool hotel room, we have our own area of the hotel with a TWO benches and some tiles. We are a big deal. The best part of the hotel though was it came with built in pets. We had two pet kitties that hung out with us. One was camera shy though.



The cool thing to do in Phi Phi is go snorkeling, so obviously being the cool kids we are....we went snorkeling.

We got to tour some really awesome islands before the boat driver steered into this beautiful cliff-cove-shallow water-area. He stopped the boat and was just like "okay jump" Everyone was looking around at each other really confused, but then Mick and I were like "well okay then" and jumped in. And it was awesome. There is so much salt in the water that you can just float and stare up at the huge cliffs covered in tropical foliage. Like I said, awesome.

The rocks in the clear blue water look really pretty and stuff right? Yeah well they aren't so pretty when you step on one and have to get stitches. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

After swimming, we went to another area and got to snorkel for 45 minutes. I think I mentioned to you guys that my dad says I always speak in extremes? I can't remember if I did, but basically my dad says that in my world everything is the best. When I am doing something, I always explain it as "the best ever" Like I will go see a movie, and come home and say it was the best movie ever, then go see another one a week later and say the same thing. But seriously, I mean it this time, snorkeling in Thailand was the best thing ever. We didn't take any pictures because we were too busy marvelling, but just trust me. Best. Thing. Ever. I will leave you with this lovely image though...

Moving on. After Snorkeling we stopped at Maya Bay. If any of you are die hard Leonardo DiCaprio fans you will remember a movie he was in called The Beach? It was filmed on this beach. It was beautiful and everything, but I was really disappointed that Leo wasn't waiting on the beach to feed me fresh pineapple when I arrived. Still lot's of cool stuff to see.

Not done yet, the last stop of the day was monkey beach, but on the way we got to see the most unreal sunset ever...I know I know...extremes. Atleast Alan can say I told you so.

MONKEY BEACH. When we rolled up to the beach everything was all quiet, then all of a sudden the trees started shaking and a whole stream of monkeys came pouring out of the jungle. They knew we had food, and they would stop at nothing to get it. We lost a few good men there on monkey beach. Just kidding. But they did attack some people for their papaya.

 Okay okay. Enough. I am hungry. And my brain hurts from blogging. Although it was fun to look at these pictures and remember the week we spent in Phi Phi. The rest of the time was just a blur of sunny days on the beach, fire shows at night on the beach, and cheap buckets. But I think Phi Phi is a must see for anyone going to Thailand. I have decided to be considerate and break this update into two parts for your convenience. Mostly for my convenience actually. But a little bit for you guys. Krabi is coming next, and the plot thickens. Stay tuned friends. I'm off to grab some pad thai and get away from this crazy rooster that keeps staring at me and it's army of baby roosters.

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