Saturday 26 November 2011

Volunteering like it's my job

That would be cool if it was my job. But it's not. And seeing as the schools are STILL flooded, I can think of no better way to spend my free time. Today was my third day at the red cross, you would think by now it would be less of a shock for them to see white people coming to help, but I don't think the novelty has worn off yet and they still get so excited! Today it was just Kyle and I, but on Thursday Lee also accompanied us. Who are they you might ask? Well I'll tell  you.

It's pretty cool how I met Kyle actually. I think so at least. Way back when we were staying on Phi Phi island, we decided that we were going to each have a 'bucket' which is exactly what it sounds's a sand bucket full of alcohol. Tanita happens to be a very small person though and the alcohol seemed to hit her harder than most. This lead to me losing track of her a couple of times. At one point, after she had finished accidentally falling on a child and suffocating it a little bit, I found her down one of the roads eating some poor guy's pizza. That poor guy was Kyle. Most people would not stop to help a random drunk girl stumbling down the road, let alone let them have some of their slice of pizza...even pick off the ham from their pizza because the random drunk girl is a vegetarian. But Kyle did. When I showed up he continued to help me take Tanita back to our hotel room so she could pee and we got to talking. We found out we were both from Canada and when he asked me where in Canada I didn't expect him to have ever heard of Fernie. WRONG. He lived in Fernie this past summer and worked on at the mine. HOW COOL IS THAT?? I'm halfway across the world, on a tiny tiny island, and who do I run into? Someone who lived in Fernie!! Nobody here who I tell that story thinks its nrealy as cool as I do, but I don't think they realize how small Fernie is. Kyle and I think it's pretty cool. Anyways Kyle is a rockstar and showed up at our doorstep the next morning with two bottles of water for us. Obviously we became instant friends. He just arrived in Bangkok so we have been kicking it for the past couple of days and doing fun stuff.

And Lee. Well I met Lee in Laos when I was there doing a border run. He is a leprechaun. By that I mean he is Irish. And he also happens to be the sassiest person I have ever met. I know most of you are thinking, yeah right Mackensey, have you met yourself? But yes, it's true. There is someone out there sassier than I am.

Alright so now that all that is cleared up...On Thursday we rocked up to the Red Cross Hospital again, jumped on the back of the trucks, and headed out.

There are so pretty awesome views of the city from on top of a large truck

We actually ended up handing out supplies in the general area of where I am supposed to teach in. It's not looking so hot.

The rice master. Just kidding. He spilled everywhere.

Lee is pimping me out to these Thai guys at this exact moment. And he did it in Thai so I couldn't understand what he was saying. I told you. Sassy little leprechaun.

This is today. Another beautiful sunny day. This time we didn't go on the truck to hand supplies out, instead we helped pass along what seemed like 10 000 bottles of water on to a big truck full of army guys. It was pretty awesome. Then we packed clear plastic bags with all sorts of canned food which will later be handed out at the flooded areas. It was a really fun day, all the Thai people worked super hard and helped tell us what to do as best as they could.

My new hood <3

Kyle blending in with the Thai girls....not


Action shot. Don't you feel like you are right there with me?

Our crew

The bottles were really big. And kind of heavy. Good thing I spent all those years ski racing. The whole 'dryland' thing paid off today

They wanted a picture with the Farang. Not sure why I'm the only one smiling.

The beginning process of packaging. Things got more hectic. Much much more hectic.

It was lunchtime, but Kyle and I decided to hang back and finish helping tie the bags up. There were only 4 other people there so we got to sit in front of the fan. Score.

Who needs to go to the gym when you can single handedly move all these bags of cans?? Nice work champ.

Our other crew

I am going to sleep in tomorrow morning, then head back to the red cross again on Saturday for some more fun! It's the best feeling in the world being there and every time I walk away there is a huge smile on my face, and I get all giddy. It's what I imagine doing drugs would feel like. But better. I'm going to sleep so I wont be cranky tomorrow when I hangout with Tanita. I am trying to get her to break up with her boyfriend so I can keep her all to myself. No dice. I have a few tricks up my sleeve though. Before I go though, I want to send a big fat good luck to my boy Conrad who is starting his first world cup race at Lake Louise today. So proud! We all know you're going to kill it.

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