Thursday 6 October 2011

Another day, another Baht

If you aren't  familiar with Thai currency you probably wont get my joke....but that was the Thai version of "Another day another dollar"

Anyways, Hello friends! How are you?? I hope you are all well. And if you aren't, then I'm sorry to hear that. I am sad to report that I have nothing of great importance to blog about today, but that will not stop me from blogging. Blogger is like crack. Internet crack. The past few days have been relaxing, I have been taking it easy because jet lag is still getting the better of me even though I politely asked it to bugger off. Mick and I have been hanging out with our new friends Matt and Michelle a lot. It is really great to have friends to go exploring with and lucky for us our bff's are also very sarcastic so the four of us get along like the spice girls. Wait...there are five of them. The spice girls minus scary spice...she's scary.

Right down the road from us is a lovely little temple that is home to a bunch of monks and some mangy ass looking cats but it is absolutely breathtaking and I have made a couple trips down there already because I just can't get enough. After breakfast this morning Matt and I went for a little stroll down there hoping to catch the monks during their prayers. Basically we wanted to hear them say ohhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm over and over again. It's pretty cool that there is such a beautiful place so close to us even though we are staying in the absolute ghetto of Thailand. Which isn't as scary as you might think it would be but as soon as our Thai Cultural Course is over Mick Michelle Matt and I are going to get a hotel room in Siam, the busier downtown area of Bangkok that is really close to lots of cool things.

The bells they ring at prayer time.

 A big gong....who doesn't love a big gong. We were too afraid to bang it but I did hum "bang a gong" as we walked by.

Number one thing they will tell you when you get to Thailand is no matter what you do, where you are, who you are talking to, never ever ever EVER say anything bad about the king, or the monarchy. No word of a lie, if you say anything bad and someone hears you, you will disappear without a trace. We heard a lovely little story in class today that scared the crap out of all of us. The king was taking part in a parade through Bangkok so they had the streets shut down for blocks and blocks, a few blocks ahead of the kings procession a car crossed the street when it wasn't supposed to. The police killed everyone in the car. And their families. Don't mess with the Thai's.

Look everyone! Lincoln is in Thailand! Just kidding. This cat is wayyy too skinny to be Lincoln.

 Lots of detail in every building. Quite impressive.

 A typical Wednesday night in Asia. Strawberry Pocky's and seaweed flavoured Lays. Yummmm.

 Tonight we all piled in a cab (the driver didn't even blink when five of us got in) and headed down to MBK shopping center and walked around trying to find a skateboard for Matt. The malls here are just ridiculous. It's like fitting all of Fernie into one building. It was good times though, we grabbed some food and played a lil car racing in the arcade, and some guy trying to sell us fake Rolex's harassed Mick. He said that he recognized him from something he saw on TV three years ago but for some reason didn't believe Mick when he said he wasn't on TV and kept insisting he was. Why Mick would lie about not being on TV is beyond me but the guy was crazy. He did speak very good English though.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have something of more substance to blog about. Everyone is going out and we have been bouncing around the idea of hitting up the red light district. We may or may not chicken out but I will most definitely keep you updated. Bye for now homeslices.

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