Friday 21 October 2011

Everything is better on the beach.

Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you are well. I'm doing pretty good myself. Like I mentioned before, Mick and I were looking to get out of the Bangkok rain and find a beach. And what do you know, we found one! We are in Pattaya right now, it's about three hours from Bangkok if you take a bus...which we did. It was so nice to wake up to sun and the breeze from the ocean makes the heat very pleasant. We found a hotel that is right across from the beach so it's a quick 30 trip to get some sand and our hotel also has a very lovely pool that we have been putting to use. Life is pretty sweet. 

The only complaint I have, is the uhm, businesses surrounding our hotel. If you wikipedia Pattaya beach you will see that it is pretty well known for it's sex trade, and let me say that wikipedia is not exaggerating. Every other building on the road in front of the beach is an "outdoor bar" where old men go to find a friend for the night. Before I came to Thailand I had heard a lot about the sex trade and how it's open and tolerated. But I never in a million years thought it would be this obvious. It is disgusting seeing all the old men with these poor young Thai girls who for the most part are just trying to make money to support their families. If you walk down the street at 2 in the afternoon the bars are already starting to fill up. The thing that I hate the most is seeing how pleased the old men are with themselves, like they are so charming and could get any girl in the world. The upside to all this...yes this is the upside...the ladyboys! They are eeeeeverywhere! It has become a game of spot the ladyboy. Some are really obvious, they just look like boys who grew out their hair and stuffed a bra with tissue but some are so good the only thing that gives them away are their adams apples. 

Anyways, we are bored of this hotel now so we are either going to head to laos and do our border run, or move a little further down to Jomtien beach. Or head back to Bangkok. We haven't decided yet. I'll let you guys know though. I have to run, I'm blogging from an Irish bar called Mulligan's because it is the only place with free internet. Later alligators!

I have really been slacking on taking pictures but when Mick updates his blog he should have some more. 

Best. Cashew. Chicken. Ever. Our candle lit dinner was nice too.

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